The most remembered symbol on Argentine graphic history.
A bright sun of hope and union.
The search for a contemporary national identity is a must for those who seek to build and disseminate culture through communication. For us, building culture means taking a committed and progressive attitude according to the time and place in which we live and develop.
We are communicators of a liquid time, with no certainties, a time in which identity tends to vanish. Our ambition is to be the communicators of a national identity, emerging from an abstract synthesis of the beautiful universe that our culture represents. We seek to improve both the perception of our history and the imaginary of the current generation.
With the collaboration of Designer Juan Pablo Tredicce

From this point of view and in the particular case of the design of the identity for the Argentine bicentennial (project with which we won the public contest called by the Presidency of the Nation to create the symbol of the celebration), we sought to achieve a graphic expression that would foster the sense of community and belonging of all Argentines.
We were aware that there is no tribe without a ritual, just as there is no nation without a symbol that defines it. And we found both in the Escarapela Argentina. A white and light blue insignia that had historically identified our patriots, a proper symbol which also condensed a school ritual: placing it close to the heart, repeating a collective bicentennial rite started by the heroes of Independence.
After the contest and the making of a user’s manual, the brand was released freely available to the public. After a few weeks its presence became omnipresent in all the massive communication media, at every official event, at most private acts organized by Non-Governmental Organizations, institutions, universities, primary and secondary schools, also in decoration and urban furniture. Argentinian cities, routes and villages were dressed with it. Thousands of posters, pins, stamps, stickers, notebooks, flags, headbands and trumpets, designed and distributed by merchants and street vendors, filled the streets of our cities and the hands of adults and children.