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Welcome to BrandCrew.
From Buenos Aires to the world.

We develop strategies and proposals of visual language with an integral perspective, providing ideas, design and content for companies at any level.

We believe in the power of collaboration.
Working directly with our clients is the key to success, because no one knows a company better than its owner.

Hernán Berdichevsky

Founder and director

Hernán was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He studied Graphic Design and Architecture at the University of Buenos Aires. He was responsible for the identity of the Bicentennial of the May Revolution of 2010, as well as the symbol of the Bicentennial of Independence of 2016. Both commissions were requested by the Government of the Argentine Nation, in two different and successive administrations.

His Argentine iconography work has been recognized worldwide as one of the 12 best branding projects in the world. This is why he has received awards from the AIGA and the Government of Spain, among others.

A few years ago he decided to pursue a dream and undertook the opening of a restaurant on the beaches of the Pacific Ocean, in the south of Costa Rica.

Federica Cosentino

Strategy director

Federica was born in the city of Rosario, Argentina. She has a degree in Economics from the National University of Rosario. Her studies also include other areas of expertise: MIP. Marketing Intensive Program UADE, Social Networks Executive Program ITBA, EMBA Food, and Beverage Marketing UCA.
In addition, she won the Gold Mercury Award for Brand Building for Gato Dumas.

Today, she is the Strategy Director at Brandcrew. Her duties include developing communication and marketing strategies, account management, general project coordination, business development, and product reengineering.

In another life, Federica was a finalist in the Fashionista Challenge for all of Latin America. 

Lucía Osterc

Senior graphic designer

Lucia was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She finished her degree in Graphic Design with a strong interest in Branding at the University of Palermo. She was an assistant professor in the academic subject of Typography at the Faculty of Architecture, Design, and Urbanism (FADU) of the University of Buenos Aires, and at the University of Palermo.

She took various national and international courses and seminars on typographic improvement applied to brand identity.

Our senior designer blushes when someone asks about her grade-point average in the University. Although she does not want to say it, 9.41 was the best GPA of her class with multiple awarded and published projects.

Malena Morido

Graphic designer

Malena was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, just two weeks before the end of the millennium. She achieved a degree in graphic design at UADE with an average of 9.

The first years of her career were dedicated to branding projects, always exploring innovative and unique paths. She took her first steps as a designer from a very young age, quickly joining teamwork, providing solidity in the use of tools and creating solutions to communication problems.

Her exploring mind led her to travel (physically) to frozen and distant geographies, and her passion for horses, to ride and compete alongside her mare Cardelina.

Florencia Ielapi

Project leader

Florencia was born in the first winter of the new millennium in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She is currently studying Communication Sciences at UADE, focusing on marketing and publicity simultaneously with a career as a music producer.

She stands out for being a creative and observant soul. This gives her the ability to communicate either through art or brand language.

At night she likes reading and writing and also having fun as techno music DJ.

Nicole Fabricant

Graphic designer

Nicole was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She finished her Design degree at the University of San Andrés. While she was studying her, she was an assistant professor in the Narrative Workshop at her university.

She stands out for being interested in Branding and the use of Design Thinking as a tool to carry out projects with impact that add value to companies or organizations.

A few years ago, her passion for theater led her to join the group La Yunta, directed by Carlos Kaspar, where she took part in five of her plays as a supporting actress.